Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!

Today we bid 2011 farewell.... Adios 2011!!

Before we know it, the party will be over
and we will be hanging up our calendars for 2012!!

Have a safe, wonderful and Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

We have decorated,


and shopped our hearts out.
With great anticipation,
 Christmas has finally arrived!

Time to welcome home those we have missed,
miss those who we wish home
 and open our doors to family and friends.
Whether you believe
or not...

May the true Spirit of Christmas fill your hearts, homes and lives.
From The Bollingers!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Silhouette Giveaway! Oh Ya!!!!!

 It is a Monday, but the holiday season officially kicks off this week! Turkey I come!

Soon we will be scurrying  around the kitchen...
Doris Lee -  1935  "Thanksgiving"

 Waiting for the prize of the day to make its appearance...

 Enjoying our time with family and friends, giving thanks...

Norman Rockwell- 1943  "Freedom from Want"

What a better way to start it all out then by winning an awesome prize?!

There is an exciting Silhouette Cameo giveaway going on over at Tatertots & Jello!  Go check it out and enter, you never know... you may win and can start making your own gifts! Winner will be announced on Wednesday!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lesson Learned

So.... I signed myself up for a Ladies Day Out vendor and craft show about a week ago. Being fairly new to this jewelry making venture I am on, I didn't realize that jewelry supply companies took so bleepin' long to ship orders! Here I am at 2:45 AM on Friday morning trying to get all my stuff together with what I have managed to receive and I still don't have all my supplies. This brings back memories of the night before the big science fairs in high school when I was just putting my science project together at the 11th hour!! Thankfully, I still have one more day (and night) to get my act together! Will I make it?? That answer is yet to be answered...  YAWN....I'm going to bed

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Another Halloween in the books...

Well, another Halloween is gone already. Seems like this night goes by faster every year. Just when the fun has started, it  is over! It was fun while it lasted... plenty of spooking, tricking and treating. Now onto Thanksgiving, another opportunity to eat far more then we should! Just what I need :o/

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome to Pure SerenFlipIty

Hello! My name is Michelle, or Shelly as my family knows me. I plan on keeping this blog casual, so I am going by Shelly on here. I usually only use Michelle in more formal or professional settings. Confusing?...yes! But it has been this way my entire life, so that's how it goes I guess!

I have decided to start this blog for several reasons. I can't really list them, since I am not even sure exactly what I will blog about. I just know I have reasons! The name, Pure SerenFlipIty, is a good explanation of my life. One never really knows what to expect with me or my family. Heck, I usually don't even know! More often than naught, just when we think we have something figured out... it flips into something else. Have to stay on your toes around here! You will find that out as you get to know me, my family (6 kids, a dog, a cat and an ever entertaining hubby) and our many adventures. I plan on sharing the ups and downs of our crazy lives. This includes our own  "Restoration Realities" of our Grand Old Lady. I will also be sharing my love for decorating, "junk" repurposing, family activities and  special recipes (who doesn't like food?!). I even have an Etsy shop and online store that I am working on revealing, but more about that later.

SO... it will be farewell for now, until I figure out what is going on around here. Til then...I hope your day (or night) will be Pure SerenFlipIty!